SAKURA – Night Sky- Overlay
$ 14.99
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris gravida semper massa, quis maximus arcu bibendum vitae. Nunc sollicitudin laoreet placerat. Pellentesque sed arcu nec felis faucibus accumsan in in neque. Phasellus vel dolor sed enim consectetur cursus. Cras eleifend dui nec lorem efficitur, a fringilla dolor feugiat. Quisque cursus sagittis lacus vitae mollis. Nullam tincidunt sagittis nisi, sed vehicula lectus luctus sit amet. Fusce a massa id lacus tristique eleifend ut vitae velit. Donec aliquam arcu dui, quis pellentesque magna aliquet in.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris gravida semper massa, quis maximus arcu bibendum vitae. Nunc sollicitudin laoreet placerat. Pellentesque sed arcu nec felis faucibus accumsan in in neque. Phasellus vel dolor sed enim consectetur cursus. Cras eleifend dui nec lorem efficitur, a fringilla dolor feugiat. Quisque cursus sagittis lacus vitae mollis. Nullam tincidunt sagittis nisi, sed vehicula lectus luctus sit amet. Fusce a massa id lacus tristique eleifend ut vitae velit. Donec aliquam arcu dui, quis pellentesque magna aliquet in.
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By downloading this package I have accepted these terms and conditions
1. I shall not redistribute whole or individual pieces from said package.
2. I shall place the included “Gfx By” panel (if applicable) on my channel, and it must be clickable and link back to: (Required for a minimum 6 month period)
3. I shall not attempt to edit these files in any way other than the supplied editable layers (Text layers) (if applicable). No other individual or group is allowed to edit this package.
[Overlays]: Place into an “image layer” using either OBS Studio, Streamlabs OBS or Xsplit.
1. Head over to “”
2. Scroll down and find the “Edit Panels” toggle on the left-hand side of your page. Slide this to the right to edit panels.
3. In the “Image Links To” field, paste “” (without the quotes) for the GFX By panel only.
If you would like to have Gaming Overlays edit the files for you or have any questions you would like to ask us, please feel free to contact us via the website: or via DM on twitter @icqshopUSA.
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